White Shadow Animals
Note:  Some of these stories are cross listed with the major animal sighting on other pages.
These are gathered specifically for there reference to white shadow animals.

White Shadow Animal Sightings 2 
Submitted 2 - 21-2012:

I've seen white animal creatures too. The first time I saw three large animals crossing in the fields ahead of me just about to go across the road when I went down a hill and lost site of them for a second. When I got to where they would have crossed in front of me there was no sign of them anywhere in the fields. They were running but I would have caught a glimpse of them for sure. I thought they were white large dogs running together, they glowed and shimmered in the sunshine. But after thinking about it they moved just like tigers on a hunt. My son and I have seen a small white creature walking around on the floor just like a house cat does, we don't have any cats.

Part of "Two Shadow Creature Sightings"
​ ​I had a similar experience a few years back in an old farmhouse we lived in where I believe a doppleganger spirit of my dog "white-clear" rushed into our room and under our bed while I was reading children stories to my two kids. I quickly jumped from the bed and the story to look under the bed.​ ​-Sunny

Shadow Animal That Did Not Flee
April 13, 2011
Submitted and posted with permission.

I was looking up shadow animals and a site came up for yours and I looked at shadow animal traits and saw that It said they flee when seen. but the shadow animal I saw did not.​ ​I was sitting on the back of a car In the woods at about 9:00 PM with my brother and cousin driving the car (I was on the back of a different car) In the woods. I had heard a sound and I looked over to the woods, nothing was there,I saw something In the corner of my eye the dog-like shape was sitting there watching the car,as soon as It saw I had seen It,It looked directly at me,I watched It for about 10 seconds before I jumped off the back of the car an ran to the other car.as I looked back It was gone.and It was closer to me than the woods. about 5 to 10 minutes later I went back out In the woods with 2 friends.(I was driving the car) we were driving for about 3 minutes when they saw a "white" shadow person In the back of the car I had been sitting on before.so I thought they were messing around since I was younger,so I drove half way In the woods,and shut off the car.then they saw the white shadow people first then I did.as I looked closer while screaming with them I saw about 10 white shadow people In a circle formation around the white shadow dog-like shape I had saw before.​ ​and to this day I am still freaked out by It. ​(but they only saw 1 shadow person,and I saw 10 along with the dog shape)​

Addendum: and now that I think about it I also saw wolf shaped shadow animals but they were black not white and it was during the day. it was like they were watching me or acting like normal wolves. but I could tell they weren't. I couldn't see their eyes but the outline of them.and they had a lot of thick hair standing up on their neck when they saw I had seen them. and they fled immediately. but as I went back to the house I could hear them following me. and when I reached the front yard it sounded as though they stopped and wouldn't or "couldn't" come forward anymore. and while running it sounded like they were just going through trees instead of around them.

White Shadow Animal

 I'm not sure exactly what it was but a few years back I was driving down a country road just as it was getting dark . The road was surrounded by fields aside from a small patch of woods that it split in two . As I approached the woods I saw what looked like a white dog or coyote running along the edge of the woods toward the road . It crossed the road in front of me but I couldn't quite make out what it was . I watched it continue running off into the field when it suddenly looped up in the air and flew back across just inches from my windshield like some sort of bird . I still couldn't make out what the heck it was but it scared the crap out of me .

Submitted December 7, 2013:
Although our previous little visitor seemed to disappear we may have had another guest recently. Here's the story. 

For a few days I was noticing a fleeting sight of something white. Like a flicker, but definitely white and it had substance. It wasn't a mist. 

This went in typically in the evening in the same location as our previous "shadow animal" Taft appeared as a black cat scurrying down the hallway. 

I didn't share the sightings with anyone. 

A few days later my Daughter was in her bathroom with the door open, applying her makeup as she was leaning over the sink and looking into the mirror. 

Our dog Kaia, a Husky was on her way up the stairs that leads to her bathroom. 

Suddenly, and I was witness to this, she stopped dead in her tracks and with great speed and heavy, pounding footsteps bolted down the stairs. 

That day and the very next Kaia would not come close to my daughter. 

Initially my Daughter assigned a quick movement may have freighters our dog. 

That night Kaia would not come near my Daughter and seemed terrified of her, barking at her and cowering away from her. Our dog was obviously terrified. 

I suddenly thought of the little white sightings. I told my Daughter and she said she had been experiencing the same thing over the same few days. 

I told her one must have attached themselves to her and that's why the dog fears her so. 

That night my Daughter told the spirit , which never cussed any ill feeling to either of us, that we were all safe and peaceful people. She told it to please leave as we were a nice family and really didn't care for any visitors. 

The next morning the dog tab right into my Daughter's room and was as playful as ever! 

No sightings since.  
